IEEE COMPENG 2024 Registration Form

Participant Information

First Name *

Last Name *

Company / Affiliation *

Country *

E-mail *



Special needs (dietary requirements, disabilities ...)


Fee Type *

Regular Registration Fee includes

  • Participation to all sessions of the conference;
  • Book of abstracts (electronic);
  • Publication of ONE paper in the proceedings;
  • Lunches and coffee breaks.

The Social Dinner Ticket is not included. You can purchase the ticket(s) in the section "Additional Items".
The social dinner will take place July 23rd 2024 at Villa Galileo.


Paper Title

Paper Title

IEEE Member Registration Fee includes

  • Participation to all sessions of the conference;
  • Book of abstracts (electronic);
  • Publication of ONE paper in the proceedings;
  • Lunches and coffee breaks.

The Social Dinner Ticket is not included. You can purchase the ticket(s) in the section "Additional Items".
The social dinner will take place July 23rd 2024 at Villa Galileo.

IEEE Membership Number


Paper Title

Paper Title

SICC Member Registration Fee includes

  • Participation to all sessions of the conference;
  • Book of abstracts (electronic);
  • Publication of ONE paper in the proceedings;
  • Lunches and coffee breaks.

The Social Dinner Ticket is not included. You can purchase the ticket(s) in the section "Additional Items".
The social dinner will take place July 23rd 2024 at Villa Galileo.


Paper Title

Paper Title

Invited / Special Session Registration Fee includes

  • Participation to all sessions of the conference;
  • Book of abstracts (electronic);
  • Publication of ONE paper in the proceedings;
  • Lunches and coffee breaks.

The Social Dinner Ticket is not included. You can purchase the ticket(s) in the section "Additional Items".
The social dinner will take place July 23rd 2024 at Villa Galileo.


Paper Title

Paper Title


Select the following additional items for you and accompanying person(s).

Social Dinner Ticket (€ 60,00) - Insert Q.ty


The information provided in this section will be used to produce the invoice. In particular, the VAT number is required to emit invoices for people or institutions from EU.

The invoice will be delivered at the registration desk during the event.


For fiscal reasons, we must record who actually paid the fees (e.g., if you pay and then will be reimbursed, select "the participant" in the following field).

The invoice will be issued to:

Name and Surname*

Organization / Company*

Participant's personal Taxpayer Identification Number or VAT number. *
Please, check here which identifier you have to report (e.g., in Italy it is called Codice Fiscale).
For non-EU citizens, you can input a dash, "-".

VAT number or Taxpayer Identification number of the Institution. *
Please, check here if it applies to your case and what identifier you have to report.
If your country is not considered in the above linked page, you can input a dash, "-".

Codice Univoco (only for Italian Companies)

Participant Address*

Organization / Company Address*





ZIP Code*

ZIP Code*


Payment Method*

1 2 3 4

Athena S.r.l. - VAT Number IT01545480624
Address: Viale Degli Atlantici 14/A, 82100 Benevento (Italy)